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Before Fauci - Government experiments on Black Americans - Video

Fauci's physical and psychological torture and abuse of animals and  Fauci's  Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab created a deadly virus that could infect humans.This article in addition to the ones below is why the Fox news reporter compared Fauci to Dr. Megele -  Fauci’s NIH Funded Medical Experiments on AIDS Orphans in NY City

Fauci’s NIH Also Funded Medical Experiments on AIDS Orphans in NY City

Flashback: Fauci’s NIH funded experiments on AIDS orphans in New York City


The House That AIDS Built - Pharmaceutical abuse in a children’s home in NYC

Mongrel dogs were subjected to induced heart attacks and, after being scanned by MRI, killed and dissected

A canine model of experimental infection with Leishmania (L.) mexicana            Female sand flies (Phlebotomus spp., Lutzomyia spp.) are the principal agents of transmission to dogsBeagle dogs were infected intradermally with culture-derived L. (L.) mexicana. We followed skin ulcer development, histopathological signs, parasite burden and the immune status of the infected dogs. Leishmania (L.) mexicana  is a species of parasitic trypanosomatid protozoa in the family Trypanosomatidae. L. mexicana is endemic in South and Central America
NIH says shocking images of beagles being eaten alive by sandflies in cruel lab test had nothing to do with them or Fauci (but admits to similar ones AND cutting dogs' vocal chords to keep them quiet) Fauci Used Taxpayer Money to Have Dogs Tortured and Eaten Alive By Parasite-Infected Flies
NIH is now accused of spending $100m of taxpayer's money on torturing lab monkeys with ACID and snakes Fauci’s NIH Spent 16+ Million on Disturbing ‘Toxic Brain Injection’ Experiments on Monkeys; “Drilled Holes in Their Skulls and Implanted Devices into the Brain”

NIH Contradicts Fauci, Admits Funding Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab - This research led to the Creation the Covid-19 Coronavirus

NIH ADMITS to funding gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at China's Wuhan lab

Sen. Paul: Fauci continues to lie about NIH funding of Wuhan experiments #ArrestFauci trends on Twitter
Beagles were infected with pneumonia in order to induce septic shock Beagles were infected with pneumonia in order to induce septic shock and then given blood transfusions. “After 96 hours, animals still alive were considered survivors and were euthanized”  

Morphologic changes in the lungs of cats experimentally infected with Dirofilaria immitis

Dirofilaria immitis, or Heartworm disease occurs predominately in dogs but also occurring in cats, that is caused by the nematode Dirofilaria immitis.
The morphologic response of the pulmonary arteries and lungs in cats was studied after a five month heartworm infection produced by transplantation of four adult heartworms/cat.

One group of seven heartworm infected cats was not treated, another group of seven cats was treated with 97.5 mg of aspirin given twice a week, and the third group of six cats was given aspirin at a sufficient dosage to block in vitro platelet aggregation throughout the study.

A fourth group of eight noninfected cats served as controls. Five months after heartworm infection, the cats were euthanized and the lungs perfusion fixed for light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy of the pulmonary arterial surfaces.

Experimental infection of dogs (Canis familiaris) with sporulated oocysts of Neospora caninum
Excerpts from the above linked document below:
Three 8-weeks-old dogs (A, B and C) were experimentally infected with brain of seropositive domestic buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) examined for the presence of antibodies anti-N. caninum by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT).
A group of three gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) was used as control of the viability of the oocysts of N. caninum. Each gerbil was orally inoculated with 1000 oocysts and followed for a period of 60 days. After this period the gerbils were anesthetized intraperitoneally with 0.015 ml of 2% xylazine (Kensol®, Konig, Brazil) associated with 0.03 ml of ketamine 10% (Vetaset®, Fort Dodge, Brazil) and intracardiac blood was collected. After the collection, the gerbils were euthanized with 0.2 ml of T61® (Intervet, Brazil) and a section of the brain and heart was collected for the detection of the parasite by real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry (IHC). In addition, samples of spleen, liver and skeletal muscles were analyzed by IHC. Direct examination of brain sections, using smear slides and coverslips, were performed to detect tissue cysts of N. caninum.
"Dogs 1 and 2 were euthanized 180 days after infection and were examined for the detection of N. caninum in tissues"




Anthony Fauci, NIH spent $1.68 million for cruel and unusual experiments on beagles, then killed them all



  On May 24, 1943, the extermination camp at Auschwitz, Poland, receives a new doctor, 32-year-old Josef Mengele, a man who will earn the nickname “the Angel of Death.”  
  Dr. Mengele tortured and abused live prisoners with injections of everything from petrol to chloroform among his many horrors.  
  He also had a penchant for studying twins, whom he would dissect. Born March 16, 1911, in Bavaria, Mengele studied philosophy under Alfred Rosenberg, whose racial theories highly influenced him. In 1934, already a member of the Nazi Party, he joined the research staff of the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene.  


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